Saturday, April 30, 2011

where have i been

well i was just trying to catch up....I got a job 6 weeks ago and was going to work part time...but since getting it and being trained i have been able to do my sets in good time and keep getting put on the schedule every week instead of every other week. It is a good feeling to be of use and do a good job but i miss my down time to do my designing and art. We work 2-3 nights a week but with drive times and working 10-15 hours it is hard to get sleep (3-5hours a day) so by the time we get home i just want to sleep 12-15 hours straight. then i seem to get up take care of family obligations or holidays and then BAM it is time to pack for work again...we put in 30-40+hours in the 2-3 days...I feel for the boss as she always has several hours of paper work to do on top of our store time, drive time and sleep time....not really much time to eat etc....

SILLY me managed to sprain my thumb/wrist by trying to beat my time and it hurt =0( and now i am in a brace for a few to try and get it better before monday night...wish me luck.

hope you are having a great paper crafting week! i have lots of samples to get done and uploaded etc....


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